The Best Cocktails and Most Popular Mixed Drink Recipes!

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Cocktails served in a Highball glass

One of the most used mixed drink glasses. The base of this glass is the same diameter as the rim, creating a tall, straight, wide glass. This glass is used for drinks that have a high proportion of mixers (ex: cola, juices). It contains around 12 oz.

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  1. Lion's Tail

    A wintry spicy drink for warming on the coldest nights.
    By JamesMichael

  2. Adios Amigos

    With this name u dont need description :)
    By Dr.Shone

  3. Sunburst

    A drink made with chartreuse
    By David

  4. CubataCubata

    An upgraded version of the famous Cuba Libre
    By David

  5. Hillbilly Hi-ball

    Fancy drink for southerners.
    By deenybean

  6. 1605

    Chartreuse based cocktail
    By deenybean

  7. Chartreuse Experience

    taken from Chartreuse website.
    By deenybean

  8. Cough Candy High

    A refreshing summer drink which brings back childhood memories of the sweet shop
    By Merrett

  9. Pitu-rinha

    Lime. Pitu. Ice. Sugar.
    By James Hoye

  10. Hesperidina & Pomelo

    One of the many ways to have this aperitif from Argentina / Aperitivo. Otra de las multiples formas de tomar este bitter argentino.
    By gcasta

  11. Redheaded StepchildRedheaded Stepchild

    Lightly Tangy and semi sweet drink
    By 50calflintlock

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