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Tummy Boom

Tummy Boom

Two Italian originals in a stunning looking shooter.

[Dessert] [Digestif] [Joli]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
2 parties Galliano[ Ajouter ]
1 partie Campari[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Préparer dans le verre
Verre: à shooter
  1. Layer carefully Galliano on top of the Campari.

Volume: 3,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 2,5 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 28%


Nombre de visionnement: 23552
Evaluation moyenne: 8,5 (2 évaluations)

Mon évaluation


Simple and powerful. One of the first experiments I made when I bought a bottle of Galliano l'Autentico for the first time. The initial ratio was 1:1 but this one tastes better (I don't mind the Campari's bitterness, but this way it is balanced better).

Listes de cocktails

  1. My own par johnniepop


Ajouter un commentaire pour ce drink:

The ABV value might be higher, since the Galliano I have is 42.5% ABV, and not the 30% ABV variant.

Commentaire par johnniepop le 2015-05-07 07:03:51

Ajouté par johnniepop le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2015-05-07 07:01:26
Statut: Aprouvé