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Four-Ingredient Piña Colada

Four-Ingredient Piña Colada

A simple, four-ingredient version of a tropical favorite.

[Classique] [Dessert] [Filles] [Glacé] [Joli] [Party] [Piscine] [Rafraichissant] [Réunion familiale] [Simple] [Sucré] [Tiki] [Tropical]

Méthode: Utiliser un robot culinaire
Verre: Hurricane
  1. Blend ingredients in blender until smooth.
  2. Serve in a hurricane glass with a straw and garnish with a paper umbrella and whipped cream.

Volume: 13,5 oz
Unités d'alcool: 2,4 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 6%


Nombre de visionnement: 24245
Evaluation moyenne: 9,3 (3 évaluations)

Mon évaluation



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Ajouter un commentaire pour ce drink:

Woo Hoo! And it really does look so really good - simple and to the point. I wan to try it!

Commentaire par Tawny le 2016-05-13 05:37:57

Thank both of you for noticing! The first time I made this, it only had three ingredients, but I started adding whipped cream as an after thought. Also, great suggestion on the glass. I've changed both. :)

Commentaire par keyock le 2016-05-12 14:13:27

I counted- there's 4 ingredients

Commentaire par gabjet le 2016-05-06 00:35:14

I just have to say it's a little funny that this recipe has four ingredients listed. ;) Also, the glass type probably isn't "cocktail" - likely to be a "hurricane" like the picture shows.

Commentaire par Tawny le 2016-05-05 23:02:51

Ajouté par keyock le
Dernière mise-à-jour le 2016-05-12 14:12:15
Statut: Aprouvé