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Far East Dragon

Far East Dragon

The taste is pretty delicate, but in case it comes a bit too sweet for you, just cut the liqueurs proportions and increase the amount of the Soju. Or you may use a stronger variant of Soju, if available - they go up to 45% ABV.

[Glamour] [Simple] [Sucré] [Vert]

Ingrédients [ oz | cl ][ Mon bar ]
1 12 oz Soju[ Ajouter ]
34 oz Liqueur de litchi[ Ajouter ]
34 oz Midori[ Ajouter ]
Méthode: Mélanger
Verre: à cocktail
  1. Put the three ingredients in a mixing glass with considerable amount of ice and stir until the outside of the glass gets condensed moisture.
  2. Strain (Julep strainer) into a chilled cocktail glass.
  3. If you fancy a garnish, a cocktail cherry might suffice (this cocktail is visually similar to the Japanese Slipper).

Volume: 3,0 oz
Unités d'alcool: 2,1 verres standard
Alcool par volume (ABV): 24%


Nombre de visionnement: 16454
Evaluation moyenne: 7,0 (1 évaluation)

Mon évaluation


Soju is the top selling alcoholic beverage in the world for the time being (check Wikipedia). It's alcohol contents vary in a pretty wide range, but I made this cocktail with what I had available - Jinro Soju 24% ABV.

The idea of the mix is that it unifies in a way the three most prominent countries in the Far East: Korea (the Soju), Japan (Midori - it must be Midori for this cocktail, no other melon liqueurs allowed) and China (the lychee liqueur - not a famous brand, but with certain origin).

Listes de cocktails

  1. My own par johnniepop


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