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Spiced Rum Cocktails


Here are the ingredients you will need to do this many servings of these drinks:

Rum and Coke
Strawberry Daiquiri
Bahama Mama
Rum Punch
Rum and Ginger
Circus Freak
Fidel Castro
Santo Libre
Rum n' Cream
Legend of Jack Sparrow
Blond Rum & Coke
Pirate Sunset
Master P
Vanilla Spice
Spiced Crumble

You will need: [ oz | cl ]

Golden Rum3 13 oz Golden Rum
(Rum Punch, Pirate Sunset)
Jamaican Rum5 oz Jamaican Rum
(Rum n' Cream, Rum and Ginger)
White Rum2 oz White Rum
(Pirate Sunset)
Spiced Rum4 oz Spiced Rum
(Rum and Coke, Blond Rum & Coke)
Rum5 oz Rum
(Santo Libre, Circus Freak, Strawberry Daiquiri, Bahama Mama)
Captain Morgan3 12 oz Captain Morgan
(Legend of Jack Sparrow, Vanilla Spice, Spiced Crumble)
Cuban Rum1 12 oz Cuban Rum
(Fidel Castro)
Malibu Rum3 12 oz Malibu Rum
(Legend of Jack Sparrow, Circus Freak, Bahama Mama)
Captain Morgan1 13 oz Captain Morgan
(Master P)
Triple Sec2 oz Triple Sec
(Pirate Sunset, Legend of Jack Sparrow)
Pineapple Juice2 23 oz Pineapple Juice
(Rum Punch, Bahama Mama)
Orange Juice4 oz Orange Juice
(Rum Punch, Pirate Sunset, Bahama Mama)
Lemon Juice1 310 oz Lemon Juice
(Rum Punch, Pirate Sunset)
Apple Juice4 oz Apple Juice
(Spiced Crumble)
Passion Fruit Juice2 oz Passion Fruit Juice
(Pirate Sunset)
Limeade (Frozen)1 oz Limeade (Frozen)
(Strawberry Daiquiri)
Lime Juice1 14 oz Lime Juice
(Legend of Jack Sparrow, Fidel Castro, Santo Libre)
Orange Juice4 oz Orange Juice
(Master P)
Cranberry Juice3 oz Cranberry Juice
(Master P)
Grenadine12 oz Grenadine
(Bahama Mama)
Grenadine1 dash Grenadine
(Pirate Sunset)
Ginger Ale16 110 oz Ginger Ale
(Rum Punch, Legend of Jack Sparrow, Fidel Castro, Rum and Ginger, Spiced Crumble)
Sprite9 oz Sprite
(Santo Libre, Blond Rum & Coke)
Vanilla Coke5 oz Vanilla Coke
(Circus Freak)
Coke5 oz Coke
(Rum and Coke)
Cream Soda3 oz Cream Soda
(Rum n' Cream)
Vanilla Soda3 oz Vanilla Soda
(Vanilla Spice)
Coconut Cream1 oz Coconut Cream
(Pirate Sunset)
Sugar810 oz Sugar
(Rum Punch)
Mint Leaves1 tbsp Mint Leaves
(Rum n' Cream)
Cinnamon1 pinch Cinnamon
(Vanilla Spice)
Strawberry4 Strawberry
(Strawberry Daiquiri)
Lemon2 slices Lemon
(Rum n' Cream)
Apple1 slice Apple
(Spiced Crumble)