The Best Cocktails and Most Popular Mixed Drink Recipes!

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Top Cocktails by Vote

Cocktails with the highest average score

  1. Amaretto SourAmaretto Sour

    Not too sweet, not too sour - just super pleasant. Worth the extra effort to make.
    By Tawny

  2. Flaming Voodoo JulepFlaming Voodoo Julep

    Turn the classic on its head for your Derby party! Finally a julep to enjoy any time, instead of enduring for the yearly Run For The Roses. Mysterious/notorious components for conversation starters.
    By ktsnead

  3. Ama Ice MilkAma Ice Milk

    Its a creamy cocktail everyone will love

  4. GMC Pickup

    A strong, velvety cocktail
    By NoMi

  5. Vieux CarreVieux Carre

    Strong, sophisticated, perfect for sipping.
    By AnOldCowhand

  6. Blue Citrus

    Citrus drink with a blue appearance
    By HarryJamesJones

  7. Gypsy Girl Gypsy Girl

    This cocktail is strong yet nice to taste.
    By vimukthi sumathiratne

  8. Gin Cum Treau

    Sounds like a dream come true. Another of my pre dinner cocktail.
    By Mufti Hakim

  9. Kickin' Peach Tea

    Sweet, peachy, and refreshing
    By Craftyfox

  10. Pink Temptation

    It looks girly but it definately doesn't taste as such!
    By antoniap8

Top Cocktails by Popularity

Cocktails with the most page views

  1. Sexy AlligatorSexy Alligator (429768 views)

    A refreshing shooter that is 'UGLY' to look at but tastes a treat.
    By Athena

  2. Weng wengWeng weng (376741 views)

    A popular but strong drink from the Philippines.
    By David

  3. Sex on the BeachSex on the Beach (340579 views)

    Several variations of this very popular drink exist. This is my favorite.
    By David

  4. Lava FlowLava Flow (310007 views)

    A delicious and very nice-looking drink from Hawaii.
    By David

  5. ZombieZombie (263753 views)

    The zombie is popular among young crowds. It's delicious and packs a very strong alcoholic content. This drink is dangerous, after 2 of them you'll likely walk like a zombie.
    By David

  6. Screaming OrgasmScreaming Orgasm (250913 views)

    A more potent orgasm.
    By David

  7. Singapore SlingSingapore Sling (247997 views)

    The genuine recipe invented in the Long Bar of the Raffles Hotel in Singapore
    By JustHonour

  8. AMFAMF (239771 views)

    Short for Adios Mother Fucker. A very potent cousin of the Long Island Ice Tea
    By David

  9. Bahama MamaBahama Mama (226377 views)

    A refreshing tropical drink
    By David

  10. Purple RainPurple Rain (223724 views)

    Purple drops makes this a very nice looking drink.
    By David

Top Favourite Cocktails

Cocktails with the most votes

  1. MojitoMojito 8.8/10 (78 votes)

    The official Cuban drink. Excellent and refreshing!
    By David

  2. Tequila SunriseTequila Sunrise 8.4/10 (61 votes)

    One of the most beautiful cocktails!
    By David

  3. Sex on the BeachSex on the Beach 8.7/10 (52 votes)

    Several variations of this very popular drink exist. This is my favorite.
    By David

  4. White RussianWhite Russian 8.4/10 (51 votes)

    A famous derivative of the Black Russian cocktail. The favored beverage of "The Dude" character in The Big Lebowski!
    By David

  5. Margarita - The OriginalMargarita - The Original 8.5/10 (48 votes)

    The original and true Margarita recipe. The orange liqueur it contains being the only sweeteness it needs.
    By David

  6. CosmopolitanCosmopolitan 8.1/10 (47 votes)

    A Girly Martini for Sex in the City fans
    By David

  7. Long Island Ice TeaLong Island Ice Tea 8.9/10 (47 votes)

    Or 'Long Island Iced Tea' : A very popular long drink.
    By Athena

  8. MargaritaMargarita 9.0/10 (46 votes)

    Saltiness, sweetness and sharpness all at once. A sweetened version of one of the most classic cocktails.
    By David

  9. DaiquiriDaiquiri 8.8/10 (44 votes)

    One of the simplest cocktails you can do using white rum. Cuban Rum (ex: Havana Club) really turns an average cocktails into a great one!
    By David

  10. ManhattanManhattan 8.2/10 (44 votes)

    Some would call the Manhattan the most classic cocktail, or the King of Cocktails.
    By David