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A beer-friendly fruity cocktail to be drunk slowly. Lovely and light, a great drink to have when you want to stay at "that level".

[Beautiful] [Halloween] [Sweet] [Tropical]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
3 oz Irish Whisky[ Add ]
3 tsps Orange Liqueur[ Add ]
0.5 shot Angostura Bitters[ Add ]
8 Ice Cube[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Highball
  1. Put the Whisky, Liqueur, Ice and Bitters into a highball glass.
  2. Stir vigorously - this cocktail is to be smooth and gentle; the ice cools the whisky.
  3. Leave for three minutes after stirring.

Volume: 4.2 oz
Alcohol units: 5.2 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 41%


Times viewed: 25646
Average Score: 8.5 (2 votes)

My Score



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Added by xmaramena on
Last updated on 2013-09-01 12:04:35
Status: Approved