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I created this cocktail for our college get together party of Maliyadeva College 89 group

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 oz Vodka[ Add ]
1 oz Kahlúa[ Add ]
1 23 oz Lime Juice[ Add ]
1 oz Honey[ Add ]
Method: Stir
Glass: Goblet
  1. Pour kahlua, vodka, lime juice (50 ml) into a shaker
  2. Put some ice cubes and shake well
  3. Strain to the white wine glass or goblet
  4. Pour golden syrup or honey to this glass visible as layer in the bottom
  5. Stir and taste the drink!

Volume: 4.7 oz
Alcohol units: 1.8 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 13%


Times viewed: 25320
Average Score: 7.6 (5 votes)

My Score


I launched this cocktails for our college annual get together party. I look forward to hearing your feedback!

User Lists

  1. Vodka by Emmojane


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Added by vimukthi sumathiratne on
Last updated on 2014-05-30 09:22:03
Status: Approved