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Roasted Toasted Almond

Roasted Toasted Almond

A lighter, and more alcoholic, version of the classic Toasted Almond.

[Dessert] [Happy Hour] [Simple] [Sweet] [Ugly] [Winter Night]

Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 12 oz White Rum[ Add ]
34 oz Amaretto[ Add ]
34 oz Coffee Liqueur[ Add ]
34 oz Cream[ Add ]
Method: On the rocks
Glass: Old-Fashioned
  1. Add all but cream onto ice cubes in glass
  2. Stir a little while to mix
  3. Add cream, quickly stirring to mix it in before any freezes onto the ice

Volume: 3.8 oz
Alcohol units: 2.9 standard drinks
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 26%


Times viewed: 26522
Average Score: 9.0 (4 votes)

My Score


Found several versions of this online, mostly with vodka and/or name-brand ingredients. Even found this without amaretto which, to me, sounds wrong. So there you have it, the story behind one of my most favorite drinks.

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    A fresh drink with Amaretto and Kahlua.

User Lists

  1. Favorite Drinks by drinknbeast


Post a comment about this drink:

Gee, drinknbeast. I guess you like this, huh? ;)

Comment by Tawny on 2016-05-05 23:06:42

Fugging awesome chocolatey almond flavor.

Comment by drinknbeast on 2016-04-29 05:28:35

I don't know how it works, but it works. It's a delicious flavor. One of my favorite drinks now! It's damn good! Try it!

Comment by drinknbeast on 2016-04-29 04:02:47

This is one of those drinks we always make because we always enjoy it, so I bumped up my vote. If it's not a 10 at our place, nuthin' is. ;)

Comment by Tawny on 2016-02-13 16:24:53

Added by Tawny on
Last updated on 2016-02-17 21:54:32
Status: Approved