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No Mañana

No Mañana

A simple shot with the most mellow of oomphs.


Ingredients [ oz | cl ][ My Bar ]
1 shot Scotch[ Add ]
1 dash Coffee Liqueur[ Add ]
Method: Prepare in the glass
Glass: Shooter
  1. Just a dash short of a shot of the good old, aged Scotch in the glass. Then pour (layer with a spoon if you want) the rest to the brim with the coffee sweetness.
  2. The point is not to layer and not to pour irresponsibly - then the sweet liqueur settles on the bottom forming the nice gradient you see in the picture.
  3. If you have them both chilled - good for you. If not - who has time for chilling nowadays, just shoot it!
  4. Cheers!

Volume: 1.5 oz
Alcohol units: 1.8 standard drink
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 40%


Times viewed: 3295
Average Score: 8.0 (1 vote)

My Score


Well, happy birthday to me! While hunting for the simple stuff, I had only these two ingredients on stock, and the shot came to be just naturally. (Nothing to do with The Revolver cocktail!)

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Added by johnniepop on
Last updated on 2021-12-09 06:42:02
Status: Approved