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Cocktails in the Shooter Category

The best shooter cocktails. They are normally shots - to be drink in one shot.

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  1. Squashed FrogSquashed Frog 7.8/10

    A very colorful shooter!
    By David

  2. Mind EraserMind Eraser 7.8/10

    This drink will give you a quick head rush before the alcohol sets in to do it's job.
    By David

  3. Whistle 7.7/10

    Smells like after taste
    By Yanah

  4. Blue Moon 7.4/10

    A sweet, creamy shooter with nutty overtones.
    By austin91

  5. Melon BombMelon Bomb 7.4/10

    A melon-flavored shooter
    By David

  6. Freddie Mercury 7.0/10

    Inspired by Freddie Mercury
    By takeituzi

  7. Rocket Fuel 7.0/10

    A very strong shooter
    By David

  8. Duck FartDuck Fart 7.0/10

    A manlier version of the popular B-52 shooter.
    By David

  9. Cherry Bomb 7.0/10

    Chocolate and cherry. what can be better?
    By whitehorse

  10. Lemon Bite 7.0/10

    A sassy drink when warm, but very light when over the rocks.
    By burntfrieser

  11. KugelblitzKugelblitz 7.0/10

    Maybe one of the toughest shooters out there. Be careful - this one has a serious kick!
    By johnniepop

  12. Hellish SoarHellish Soar 7.0/10

    Like Derrick says - a Shooter For Your Face...
    By johnniepop

  13. VampireVampire 6.0/10

    I've seen this recipe at a local restaurant. Nice find.
    By David

  14. Flaming Dr Pepper 6.0/10

    Tastes like the soft drink Dr Pepper, although Dr Pepper is not one of its ingredients!
    By rmains

  15. Liquid Cocaine 2 6.0/10

    Not do the faint hearts A very strong shooter with distinctive smell of Bacardi 151.
    By StotheH&M

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