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Type: Liqueur (part of the Cinnamon Schnapps category)
Cinnamon schnapps
Alcohol by volume: 43.5%

Added by David

Show more recipes made with Cinnamon Schnapps

All cocktails made with Goldschläger

  1. Soma Coma 10.0/10

    Very Tasty Ice Cold Shooter
    By dparro1

  2. Burnt Margarita 9.0/10

    A spicy twist on a traditional Margarita.
    By brett

  3. Golden Elk 8.5/10

    A very potent shooter indeed.
    By David

  4. Spice Apple daiquiri

    Cinnamon apple
    By Francoisd

  5. Hailstorm

    Just a nice winter, warming drink. very rich
    By justakid

  6. Golden SnitchGolden Snitch

    Just like the classic Quidditch game winner!
    By bethlewis11

  7. Liquid CocaineLiquid Cocaine

    One of these should be enough!
    By David