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Type: Mixer (part of the Lemon-Lime Soda category)
7 Up is a lemon-lime flavored soft drink.

Added by David

Show more recipes made with Lemon-Lime Soda

All cocktails made with 7UP

  1. Vodka KiwiVodka Kiwi 8.0/10

    A simple kiwi drink
    By AMIR

  2. Fruit TingleFruit Tingle 7.8/10

    A delicious fruit cocktail that tastes like fruity candy.
    By David

  3. Purple RainPurple Rain 7.5/10

    Purple drops makes this a very nice looking drink.
    By David

  4. Low calorie Southern 7up 7.5/10

    This drink is usually enjoyed when you want to cut on the carbs, but still want to enjoy a sweet, alcoholic, and tasty beverage. In this case, the overall calories comes from the alcohol. We use a zero-calorie soft drink to give a good taste to the drink, while making sure it's a low-calorie as possible.
    By AlexRicher

  5. Sicilian KissSicilian Kiss 7.5/10

    By mojito21000

  6. Printemps Frais 7.0/10

    A simple refreshment for summer days.
    By Paulo Rodrigues

  7. Northern Green 6.5/10

    A nice Emerald green drink.
    By Gcurtis

  8. Isbjørn 5.5/10

    Cool refreshing drink, for a warm summer day!
    By Jesper SSkov

  9. 13th Peach Fruit 3.0/10

    Refreshing non-alcoholic drink
    By pikkumonto

  10. Lover's Moon

    Romantic drink.
    By deenybean

  11. Maui Punch

    A delicious punch similar to the Hawaiian Punch.
    By David

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