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Spiced Rum

Spiced Rum

Type: Spirit (part of the Rum category)
Like Captain Morgan's
Alcohol by volume: 40%

Added by David

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All cocktails made with Spiced Rum

  1. Welcome to the JungleWelcome to the Jungle 7.8/10

    About as jungly as it gets...
    By MrPoc

  2. Hell Is On Fire 7.0/10

    A spicy and very strong drink, guaranteed to fire you up.
    By 200ProofDAVE

  3. The Orange State PirateThe Orange State Pirate 6.7/10

    An aromatic cocktail that combines the use of fresh juice and exotic ingredients such as Haiti bitter orange essence, Trinidad (the land of hummingbird, South Caribbean) spiced rum and a hint of almond from Amaretto. Carefully crafted drink with two stages shaken method to create an opaque sunrise orange potion and smooth lingering taste that will take away your soul. Garnish with flamed orange peel to celebrate the Orange State Pirate flag of its trademark.
    By TeerawatJutamontree

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