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User Profile



DaBearDude's Cocktails

Cocktails submitted by the user

DaBearDude's Favourites

Cocktails tested by the user

  1. Midori Splice (my score: 10)
  2. El Presidente (my score: 10)
  3. Simple Piña Colada (my score: 10)
  4. Brandy Alexander (my score: 10)
  5. Neondad (my score: 10)
  6. Toasted Almond (my score: 10)
  7. White Christmas Dream (my score: 9)
  8. Grasshopper (my score: 9)
  9. Popeye the sailor (my score: 9)
  10. (Joe's) Bounty (my score: 9)
  11. Mudslide (my score: 9)
  12. Deep Sea Battery (my score: 9)
  13. 727 (my score: 9)
  14. Golden Dream (my score: 9)
  15. Melon Bomb (my score: 9)
  16. Green Coconut (my score: 9)
  17. Harvey Wallbanger (my score: 9)
  18. Blue Hawaii (my score: 9)
  19. White Russian (my score: 9)
  20. Black Russian (my score: 8)
  21. Tequila Sunrise (my score: 8)
  22. White Cuban (my score: 8)
  23. French Connection (my score: 8)
  24. Bacardi Cocktail (my score: 8)
  25. Balalaika (my score: 8)
  26. Margarita - The Original (my score: 8)
  27. Matador (my score: 8)
  28. Bleu Che (my score: 8)
  29. Brown Cow (my score: 8)
  30. B-52 (my score: 8)
  31. Madras (my score: 8)
  32. Blow Job (my score: 8)
  33. Screwdriver (my score: 8)
  34. Baby Blue (my score: 8)
  35. San Salvador (my score: 7)
  36. Maiden's Blush (my score: 7)
  37. Uppercut (my score: 7)
  38. White Lady (my score: 7)
  39. Nevada Cocktail (my score: 6)
  40. Brave Bull (my score: 6)
  41. Black Forest (my score: 5)
  42. Salty Dog (my score: 4)
  43. Pearl Harbor (my score: 4)
  44. Titanic (my score: 3)

DaBearDude's Ingredients

Ingredients the user submitted

DaBearDude's Cocktail Lists

Lists of Cocktails the user put together

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